Remote Barn with a Modern Country Vibe

In lanes as tall as tunnels a distant bridle path leads to this little hidden barn on the very southern escarpment of the green scape that is Dartmoor.

A former Linhay in a past life to a local hardworking farmer this little rustic vernacular building was originally converted over 20 years ago and was ready for its next lease of life as a luxury hideaway in pastures green.

With a plush new bathroom and a hand painted timber kitchen it’s now a place to unwind and soak up the serene atmosphere that this setting seeps.

In all shades of blue with a nod to Scandinavian design and a feeling of Modern Country it is the perfect base in which to discover the many antiquities that this corner of England offers - from misty magical landscapes , romantic and dramatic Tors and lichen rich woodlands

Images by Oliver Grahame